Academic Angel

Workshops and coaching for your grant and academic writing

What is an Academic Angel?

Well, it’s a cross between a facilitator, a writing coach, and a critical friend specialising in academic writing. Whether you are working on your grant application, dissertation, thesis, or paper, I can provide guidance, support, and friendly critical questioning to refine your thoughts and arguments; coaching on managing your work and your time; and advice on writing clearly, concisely, and persuasively for an academic or lay audience.

Find out what Academic Angel can do for you.

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MA students, PhD students, and even Early-Career researchers

have a steep learning curve to meet as they embark on their research journey. Not only do you have to delve deep into your chosen discipline and subject, you also, perhaps for the first time, have to write a substantial piece for an academic audience, or that first grant application for a funder. Academic Angel designs and facilitates tailored workshops to enhance the skills of developing academic writers, or to support them along their projects.

Find out about workshops from Academic Angel.